Unintentional Resolutions

Apparently, I don’t actually have to make a concerted effort to plan and write out New Years resolutions. All I have to do is randomly stumble upon a good deal and my easily suggestable mind wraps itself around something and after it is done churning it around subconciously it spits it out to me in some big inspiration. If I can take advantage of it, I do. So, after all that…I joined a gym for women this week. My youngest son, T. attends Battezone Games weekly and during that time I am sitting around doing nothing for two hours. Next door, the womens gym sits mocking my unproductive lifestyle. I emailed them after checking out the vague website and asked for actual pricing and such. I received good info, but still held out. Then two days later I received an amazing deal on LivingSocial from the very gym I had inquired about. I sat on that for two days and then whipped out the credit card. I went in the very next evening and introduced myself and got the tour, the next morning I had my first excerise routine and measurements taken. It was fabulous!!!
I look forward to going every day and taking that me time that I have really needed.
It feels wonderful to have this time to look forward to. After the month ends, I will have to join contractually and that may pose a problem but I am going to figure it out.